
When you’re looking to purchase produce or even seeds for your own garden, you may have questions about GMO vs. heirloom foods. There?s been a great deal in the news about GMOs or genetically modified organisms. These are organisms that have genetically altered seeds. They’re actually altered in a lab by introducing new DNA to their cells. Usually this is done to make a plant resistant to chemicals or to produce a higher yield. Continue reading

You already know that organic food is better for you and your healthy lifestyle, but there can be some drawbacks to switching to an all-organic diet. Processed foods come with a number of disadvantages, but they are known to last longer than organic food as they are filled with shelf life extending preservatives and additives. Continue reading

Nuts and seeds are an essential part of one’s diet. They provide some of the most important nutrients that fortify and ensure good health and wellness. Here are some of the best varieties to add to your daily menu.



These nuts are vital for a healthy brain and body because they support its development and protect against diabetes by improving blood fat, and lower cholesterol levels.

Additionally, they help create and maintain strong bones and teeth due to high mineral content.

They are some of the best natural substances for a healthy heart because they contain relevant nutrients. Almonds are high in monounsaturated fats, the same heart healthy good fats found in olive oil that help reduce the risk of heart disease. Continue reading