
It’s so difficult to eat healthy when you are always pressed of time. You hardly have time to comb your hair let alone cook and pack your lunch in the morning. But there is no reason why you should suffer eating the nasty, fat-laden foods they serve at the cafeteria. Sure you can pack healthy lunch for work. It’s just a matter of managing your time wisely and picking dishes that are quick and easy to do. Here are some healthy lunch ideas you can try: Continue reading

The good thing about clean eating is that it isn’t difficult to eat out with this particular diet. It is actually very simple to do, no matter what restaurant you go to, as long as you know keep to the basic clean eating rules. Here are some tips to follow when you want to eat out and stick to your clean eating lifestyle.

Make Your Choices Simple

When you are eating out, don’t make it complicated and choose one of the newest skillet meals or something that requires analyzing every single piece of the meal puzzle. Instead, just go simple, especially when you are new to the clean eating diet. This might mean simply ordering from the healthy part of the menu, like getting grilled chicken with steamed vegetables, the pan-seared salmon with brown rice, or just a salad. These are simple, easy meals you know most likely include ingredients you can have while on the clean eating diet. Continue reading