Clean Foods

If you’re adopting a clean eating lifestyle, you need to know what constitutes “clean” food versus other food. Read on to learn some basic guidelines for determining which foods are clean and which are not.

Whole foods. Any food in its natural state is considered a clean food. Fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fruits all constitute clean foods. In general, the advice to shop around the perimeter of the grocery store applies. If you can get organic produce it’s even better. Continue reading

Have you ever taken a moment to think back a few years and reflect on the life that your parents and grand-parents had? What types of foods did they eat, and do you remember if they grew their own fruits and veggies?

I certainly remember my grand-mother having a greenhouse full of cucumbers and tomatoes. My dad grew Brussel sprouts and potatoes in our garden. And yes, mom always did cook a home-made meal that consisted of meat, potatoes and veggies, plus of course some type of dessert.

Today, for many families, finding the time to cook a home-made meal is often impossible. Both parents work, the kids have after school activities and homework and time just seems to fly by.

So what is the impact of all of this on our health?

For one, instances of cancer have risen dramatically. It is not unknown now for families to have lost at least one person, if not more, to cancer. How many friends do you know who have a family member that has, or is dealing with cancer? For your grand-parents this number would be extremely low, and they might not have even known someone who had cancer. Continue reading

Clean foods go beyond the organic definition of some foods. These foods can make a huge difference in your overall health by bringing harmony to the body’s system. They may not work alone, but in conjunction with other clean foods. Eating clean foods means that you will avoid all processed and refined foods and adopt a diet of whole foods. Continue reading