
Are you a junk-food junkie? It is hard not to be one with a fast-food joint on every corner and TV advertisements for a super-size this or that every 15 minutes. But here are some ways you can use to kick your addiction to unhealthy (and expensive) fast food.

Avoid Mindless Eating

Do you realize how many calories you are ingesting when eating that bag of potato chips or bag of chocolates in front of the TV or at your desk at work? Most likely not. When eating, but focused on something else, it is easy to stuff yourself with junk food calories.

One way to avoid mindless eating is to not have junk food available in the first place. Instead have healthy snack bars, a small bag of nuts or some peanut butter and crackers to snack on. By planning ahead and having a healthy snack with you, you can avoid eating hundreds of calories in a day that you don’t need. Continue reading

Most high-energy people such as athletes and those who are more health conscious enjoy a diet of clean eating – that is, foods that are natural with no trans-fats, sugars and processing. It’s also a diet where you can lose weight in a healthy manner. But, when you adapt clean eating as part of your lifestyle, you will enjoy days full of energy and feelings of well-being. Continue reading

Clean eating is a simple, inexpensive way to eat healthy. Because it’s good for the body and easy to do, the popularity of this eating plan continues to rise. The basic concept behind clean eating is based on guidelines that anyone can adhere to. Continue reading