
When it comes to the clean eating lifestyle, you are trying to reduce processed foods, cook more often, and have as many fresh ingredients as you possibly can. This means cooking is a little different, not just in the fact that more cooking is from scratch, but that you are also changing the ingredients you are using. Keep some of these cooking guidelines in mind. Continue reading

When it comes to dinner, it is actually pretty easy to stick to a clean eating lifestyle. This is when people tend to cook the most often, so as long as you are using whole, fresh ingredients, you should be fine. But here are a few dinner ideas to help get you started.

Chicken, Avocado, Bacon Salad

While just about any type of salad works great for a clean eating lifestyle, you do want to try to stick to salads that offer a little more protein during dinner. This should be a bigger meal than lunch, and one that is going to fill you up all night and cause you to become hungry again at midnight, or wake up completely starving. This salad is great because you can choose any greens you want, then have lots of protein with both chicken and bacon. The avocado is also filling, but gets you some healthy fats into the salad. Continue reading

If you’re interested in improving your health, you may have heard about the idea of clean eating. But what does it really mean to eat clean? The answer isn’t as clear cut as you might think. In fact, there’s more than one way to do it.

Clean eating isn’t an actual diet program that has strict rules. The good news is you don’t have to count a single calorie, fat gram, or carb. This makes clean eating a very popular choice for people who want to be healthy and lose weight but don’t want to have to apply math to their daily eating plan. Continue reading